Cough Or Chest Infection
Hi, Normally if there is an infection in the chest there will be yellow or green sputum when your wee one coughs up. However, its not always possible to get them to Chest infections are common, especially after a cold or flu during autumn and winter.About natural common cough remedies and symptoms, side-effects, respiratory phlegm, allergies and congestion.Read about chronic cough causes such as medications GERD, postnasal drip, rhinitis, asthma, sinus infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, and smoking. Symptoms, diagnosis Lung cancer does not usually causes any symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Once warning signs become apparent, the cancer may have progressed.Introduction . A cough is a reflex action to clear your airways of mucus and irritants such as dust or smoke. It's rarely a sign of anything serious.A cough ( pronunciation (help · info) Latin: tussis) is a sudden and often repetitively occurring reflex which helps to clear the large breathing passages from Veterinary advice about kennel cough infection - the disease, its transmission, symptoms, treatment, vaccination and prevention (includes info on controlling kennel When a person says 'right or left side of chest hurts when I cough', the causes may vary from common cold to severe lung problems such as bronchitis or pneumonia.Chest and Back Cupping. TCM Treatment for Cough and Respiratory Infection. You can see a very traditional treatment with the bamboo cups. They get heated
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